Setting up Spack

Spack is a generic package manager for HPC. We rely on it in the following to install WDMapp and its components. Setting up Spack is a one-time process on a given machine – if you already have a working Spack install, you should be able to use it. However, in practice there are plenty of ways that things can wrong, so we provide tested Spack setups for a selection of machines. Following our instructions makes sure that WDMapp is built with compatible compilers and machine-specific system packages (e.g., MPI, CUDA, etc.).

Installing Spack

Follow the instructions from the Spack Documentation.

$ git clone -b v0.15.4


v0.15.4 is the latest spack stable version on 2020-10-20; newer versions will likely work but have not been tested. Using the default ‘develop’ branch is not recommended, as it does break sometimes and introduces a lot of package version churn if you try to track it.

Enable shell support for Spack.

# For bash/zsh users
$ export SPACK_ROOT=/path/to/spack
$ . $SPACK_ROOT/share/spack/

# For tcsh or csh users (note you must set SPACK_ROOT)
$ setenv SPACK_ROOT /path/to/spack
$ source $SPACK_ROOT/share/spack/setup-env.csh

Cloning the WDMapp package repo

Just clone the repository from github to the same machine that you just set up Spack on.

$ git clone

Adding the WDMapp package repo to Spack

This will let Spack search the WDMapp repository for packages that aren’t found in its builtin package repository.

$ spack repo add path/to/wdmapp-config/spack/wdmapp
==> Added repo with namespace 'wdmapp'.


To update the wdmapp package repository to the latest, just run git pull in the directory where you cloned wdmapp-config/.

Machine-Specific Setup

Ubuntu 18.04

On Ubuntu 18.04, nothing special needs to be done, though installation can be sped up by adding a packages.yaml that teaches it about system-installed software so that it doesn’t have to build everything from scratch.