Setting up Spack

Setting up Spack on a given machine should be a one-time process, and ideally shouldn’t be specific to the codes you’re planning to build.


In practice you might want to set up multiple compilers etc, and then have certain projects build using some specific compiler, and so on. Spack allows you to specify details like this when installating a package, but it might be useful to use Spack environments so that you don’t have to remember to keep specifying those details over and over again.

Installing Spack

Follow the instructions from the Spack Documentation.

$ git clone -b releases/v0.14


v0.14 is the latest spack stable version on 2020-03-17; newer versions will likely work but have not been tested. Using the default ‘develop’ branch is not recommended, as it does break sometimes and introduces a lot of package version churn if you try to track it.

Enable shell support for Spack.

# For bash/zsh users
$ export SPACK_ROOT=/path/to/spack
$ . $SPACK_ROOT/share/spack/

# For tcsh or csh users (note you must set SPACK_ROOT)
$ setenv SPACK_ROOT /path/to/spack
$ source $SPACK_ROOT/share/spack/setup-env.csh

Cloning the WDMapp-config repository

Just clone the repository from github to the same machine that you just set up Spack on.

$ git clone

Adding the WDMapp package repo to Spack

This will let Spack search the WDMapp repository for packages that aren’t found in its builtin package repository.

$ spack repo add path/to/wdmapp-config/spack/wdmapp
==> Added repo with namespace 'wdmapp'.


To update the wdmapp package repository to the latest, just run git pull in the directory where you cloned wdmapp-config/.

Machine-Specific Setup

Ubuntu 18.04

On Ubuntu 18.04, nothing special needs to be done, though installation can be sped up by adding a packages.yaml that teaches it about system-installed software so that it doesn’t have to build everything from scratch.