Enabling the Dashboard

To turn on the processing that packages up EFFIS images for use with the dashboard, one needs to configure a dashboard top-scope section in the configuration file.

base: wdmapp-1
rundir: /gpfs/alpine/proj-shared/csc143/esuchyta/effis/rhea/wdmapp/${base}
adios-nompi: /autofs/nccs-svm1_home1/esuchyta/spack/wdmapp/rhea/spack/opt/spack/linux-rhel7-sandybridge/gcc-8.4.0/adios2-2.6.0-k62srrf7btzanzeattmk35orgqd6uyvn
  use: true
  shot_name: ${base}
  run_name:  run-1
  http: /ccs/wwwproj/phy122/esuchyta/wdmapp-dashboard/shots
    ADIOS: ${adios-nompi}/lib/python3.7/site-packages

http is a directory that is web accessible for remote download. At OLCF, there is one such area, and it is only accessible from the service/login nodes, where MPI does not work. This is why an ADIOS2 build without MPI is needed, which can be built with:

$ spack install adios2 -mpi +python

shot-name and run-name are both text labels, where run-name is meant to allow multiple restarted runs in the same shot.

Deploying the Remote Dashboard

Instructions for how to deploy a run an instance of the dashboard that connects to this data can be found on in the eSimMon documentation. In short, a monitoring service will given the web address for the http directory, pull new data when it becomes available, and then display the images thorugh a web server that multiple uers can connect to.