Workflow Composition in EFFIS

EFFIS jobs are composed with a YAML configuration file.

  • <config file name> builds the job
  • effis-submit <job directory> submits the job to the queue.

Bulding and submitting the example Rhea job below looks something like:

$ ~/testcases/run_1/rhea/run_1.yaml
$ effis-submit /gpfs/alpine/proj-shared/csc143/esuchyta/effis/rhea/wdmapp/xgc-gene-1

Detailed YAML Paramter Example

Below is a configuration file from our run repository for core-edge coupling on Rhea. To better itemize the discussion, it has been broken up into to several smaller units.

Some top-level keywords set where on the file system the job will run, as well as scheduler configurations.

jobname: xgc-gene  # Name of job given to scheduler (default = kittie-job, but setting is recommended)
walltime: 3600     # Job walltime request in seconds (default = 3600)

# EFFIS required parameter: directory for job output, each code runs in separte subdirectory
rundir: /gpfs/alpine/proj-shared/csc143/esuchyta/effis/rhea/wdmapp/xgc-gene-1

# EFFIS required section: setup for the machine to run on
  name: rhea                  # rhea, summit, theta, cori, local
  queue: batch
  charge: csc143
  job_setup:   # Shell script to run once job has started (on service node)

Users can define their own variables, for referencing throughout the file. Deferencing looks like ${variable-name}. (See further below.)

# User defined variables, see dereferencing in file-edits
period_1d: 1   # XGC output frequency for diagnosis.1D
period_3d: 1   # XGC output frequency for field3D
steps: 100     # Number of simulation steps to run
planes: 8      # Number of poloidal plans
rho: 4         # XGC radial parameter

Shell commands, copies, regular expression file search and replace (using Python re syntax) are available during job configuration. (See subsequent file sections as well.)

# Shell commands to run during job composition, i.e. before submission to scheduler
pre-submit-commands: ["mkdir coupling"]

# NOTE some EFFIS instructions can live in top-level or code level scope, e.g.
#  * pre-submit-commands
#  * copy, copy-contents
#  * link
#  * file-edit

run is the section where to specify the codes to run, along with their process decompositions.

# EFFIS required section: Codes to run and their setups

Each code has a scope under run, where users can adjust settings specific to that code. ADIOS I/O groups can be configured, and matched where relevant for coupling.

Starting with gene.

# 'gene' (or others below) is just a label name, and will run in subdirectory name gene/
  pre-submit-commands: ["mkdir out"]   # Like pre-submit-commands above
  processes: 16            # Number of MPI ranks
  processes-per-node: 16   # Number of MPI ranks per node
  cpus-per-process: 1      # Number of CPUs per MPI rank

  # File path to executable to run
  executable_path: /autofs/nccs-svm1_home1/esuchyta/spack/spack/opt/spack/linux-rhel7-sandybridge/gcc-8.4.0/gene-app-coupling-pysy5qk373yqzlfjotayvxq3w4r4tjjh/bin/gene

  # Environment variables

  # Files to copy
    - ../GENE/parameters
    - ../GENE/XGC_map_circular_2020_new.h5
    - ../GENE/adios2cfg.xml
    - ../GENE/tracer_fast
    - ../GENE/profiles_ions
    - ../GENE/

  # Files to edit (paramters is the main GENE configuration file)
      - ['^\s*ntimesteps\s*=.*$', 'ntimesteps=${steps}']
      - ['^\s*n_planes\s*=.*$', 'n_planes=${planes}']

  # ADIOS groups are prefaced with leading .

    output_path: density.bp
    adios_engine: SST

  # 'reads' matching for coupling reading
    reads: xgc.field_coupling

xgc looks similar to gene but has different input files.

  pre-submit-commands: ["mkdir restart_dir"]
  processes: 64            # Number of MPI ranks
  processes-per-node: 8    # Number of MPI ranks per node
  cpus-per-process: 1      # Number of CPUs per MPI rank

  # File path to executable to run
  executable_path: /autofs/nccs-svm1_home1/esuchyta/spack/spack/opt/spack/linux-rhel7-sandybridge/gcc-8.4.0/xgc-devel-cmake-suchyta-z5m7gdz6miin7ypf6hpv2yuxszkn4rqd/bin/xgc-es

  # Environment variables

  # Files to copy
    - ../XGC/input
    - ../XGC/adioscfg.xml
    - ../XGC/adios2cfg.xml
    - ../XGC/petsc.rc
    - ../XGC/geqdsk_gene_comp_case5_fix.eqd
    - ../XGC/geqdsk_gene_comp_case5_fixed.eqd.node
    - ../XGC/geqdsk_gene_comp_case5_fixed.eqd.ele
    - ../XGC/den_gene_case5.prf
    - ../XGC/temp_gene_case5_fix.prf
    - ../XGC/
    - ../XGC/ogyropsi_init_cond.bp

  # Files to edit (input is the main XGC configuration file)
      - ['^\s*sml_mstep\s*=.*$', 'sml_mstep=${steps}']
      - ['^\s*sml_nphi_total\s*=.*$', 'sml_nphi_total=${planes}']
      - ['^\s*sml_grid_nrho\s*=.*$', 'sml_grid_nrho=${rho}']
      - ['^\s*diag_1d_period\s*=.*$', 'diag_1d_period=${period_1d}']
      - ['^\s*diag_3d_period\s*=.*$', 'diag_3d_period=${period_3d}']
      - ['^\s*adios_stage_3d\s*=.*$', 'adios_stage_3d=.true.']

  # ADIOS groups are prefaced with leading .

    output_path: xgc.oneddiag.bp
    adios_engine: BP4

    output_path: xgc.3d.bp
    adios_engine: BP4

    output_path: xgc.mesh.bp
    adios_engine: BP4

  # 'reads' matching for coupling reading
    reads: gene.density_coupling

    output_path: field.bp
    adios_engine: SST

One and two dimensional plotting can be turned on with special run keyword sections.

#  Plot all variable in XGC's diagnosis.1d that use psi as x-axis
  x: psi
  data: xgc.diagnosis.1d

# Plot varables with same dimensions as XGC field3D's dpot on triangular mesh
    - rz               # Name in mesh file of variable for the nodes
    - nd_connect_list  # Name im mesh file for the node connectivity
    - dpot[0]          # Dimension setter

    reads: xgc.diagnosis.mesh

    plots: xgc.field3D

For clarity and completion, here is the full file.

jobname: xgc-gene  # Name of job given to scheduler (default = kittie-job, but setting is recommended)
walltime: 3600     # Job walltime request in seconds (default = 3600)

# User defined variables, see dereferencing in file-edits
period_1d: 1   # XGC output frequency for diagnosis.1D
period_3d: 1   # XGC output frequency for field3D
steps: 100     # Number of simulation steps to run
planes: 8      # Number of poloidal plans
rho: 4         # XGC radial parameter

# EFFIS required parameter: directory for job output, each code runs in separte subdirectory
rundir: /gpfs/alpine/proj-shared/csc143/esuchyta/effis/rhea/wdmapp/xgc-gene-1

# EFFIS required section: setup for the machine to run on
  name: rhea                  # rhea, summit, theta, cori, local
  queue: batch
  charge: csc143
  job_setup:   # Shell script to run once job has started (on service node)

# Shell commands to run during job composition, i.e. before submission to scheduler
pre-submit-commands: ["mkdir coupling"]

# NOTE some EFFIS instructions can live in top-level or code level scope, e.g.
#  * pre-submit-commands
#  * copy, copy-contents
#  * link
#  * file-edit

# EFFIS required section: Codes to run and their setups

  # 'gene' (or others below) is just a label name, and will run in subdirectory name gene/
    pre-submit-commands: ["mkdir out"]   # Like pre-submit-commands above
    processes: 16            # Number of MPI ranks
    processes-per-node: 16   # Number of MPI ranks per node
    cpus-per-process: 1      # Number of CPUs per MPI rank

    # File path to executable to run
    executable_path: /autofs/nccs-svm1_home1/esuchyta/spack/spack/opt/spack/linux-rhel7-sandybridge/gcc-8.4.0/gene-app-coupling-pysy5qk373yqzlfjotayvxq3w4r4tjjh/bin/gene

    # Environment variables

    # Files to copy
      - ../GENE/parameters
      - ../GENE/XGC_map_circular_2020_new.h5
      - ../GENE/adios2cfg.xml
      - ../GENE/tracer_fast
      - ../GENE/profiles_ions
      - ../GENE/

    # Files to edit (paramters is the main GENE configuration file)
        - ['^\s*ntimesteps\s*=.*$', 'ntimesteps=${steps}']
        - ['^\s*n_planes\s*=.*$', 'n_planes=${planes}']

    # ADIOS groups are prefaced with leading .

      output_path: density.bp
      adios_engine: SST

    # 'reads' matching for coupling reading
      reads: xgc.field_coupling

    pre-submit-commands: ["mkdir restart_dir"]
    processes: 64            # Number of MPI ranks
    processes-per-node: 8    # Number of MPI ranks per node
    cpus-per-process: 1      # Number of CPUs per MPI rank

    # File path to executable to run
    executable_path: /autofs/nccs-svm1_home1/esuchyta/spack/spack/opt/spack/linux-rhel7-sandybridge/gcc-8.4.0/xgc-devel-cmake-suchyta-z5m7gdz6miin7ypf6hpv2yuxszkn4rqd/bin/xgc-es

    # Environment variables

    # Files to copy
      - ../XGC/input
      - ../XGC/adioscfg.xml
      - ../XGC/adios2cfg.xml
      - ../XGC/petsc.rc
      - ../XGC/geqdsk_gene_comp_case5_fix.eqd
      - ../XGC/geqdsk_gene_comp_case5_fixed.eqd.node
      - ../XGC/geqdsk_gene_comp_case5_fixed.eqd.ele
      - ../XGC/den_gene_case5.prf
      - ../XGC/temp_gene_case5_fix.prf
      - ../XGC/
      - ../XGC/ogyropsi_init_cond.bp

    # Files to edit (input is the main XGC configuration file)
        - ['^\s*sml_mstep\s*=.*$', 'sml_mstep=${steps}']
        - ['^\s*sml_nphi_total\s*=.*$', 'sml_nphi_total=${planes}']
        - ['^\s*sml_grid_nrho\s*=.*$', 'sml_grid_nrho=${rho}']
        - ['^\s*diag_1d_period\s*=.*$', 'diag_1d_period=${period_1d}']
        - ['^\s*diag_3d_period\s*=.*$', 'diag_3d_period=${period_3d}']
        - ['^\s*adios_stage_3d\s*=.*$', 'adios_stage_3d=.true.']

    # ADIOS groups are prefaced with leading .

      output_path: xgc.oneddiag.bp
      adios_engine: BP4

      output_path: xgc.3d.bp
      adios_engine: BP4

      output_path: xgc.mesh.bp
      adios_engine: BP4

    # 'reads' matching for coupling reading
      reads: gene.density_coupling

      output_path: field.bp
      adios_engine: SST

  #  Plot all variable in XGC's diagnosis.1d that use psi as x-axis
    x: psi
    data: xgc.diagnosis.1d

  # Plot varables with same dimensions as XGC field3D's dpot on triangular mesh
      - rz               # Name in mesh file of variable for the nodes
      - nd_connect_list  # Name im mesh file for the node connectivity
      - dpot[0]          # Dimension setter

      reads: xgc.diagnosis.mesh

      plots: xgc.field3D